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Scorpio Gambling Luck

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  1. Scorpio Lucky Gambling Days
  2. Scorpio Gambling Luck Book
  3. Good Luck Days For Scorpio

The alignment of planets when we were born or when we want to make an important step counts!
Regardless of what we want, we have certain inclinations and affinities that are impossible to deny.

What do the stars have planned for you in 2021? Your 2021 Horoscope is here !

Lucky Zodiac Signs in Love in 2021

Scorpios born between October 24th and October 30th, the first phase of Scorpio are extra lucky during the days of the new Moon. Those born in the next phase, between October 31st and November 8th will be extra lucky when the Moon is in its second quarter.

  • So what if you have your vedic chart and you want to figure out whether gambling is a kinda bad idea for you, or a very, very bad idea? The all-important 5th house. Someone who will be lucky in gambling will absolutely need a strong 5th house. The 5th house stands for gambling, fun, romance, politics, speculation and easy gains.
  • Scorpios are so lucky, you have to wonder if they were born under a lucky star. They're so lucky, in fact, that they don't even have to make much of an effort. They're the type of person who find a.
  • The Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) interact very well, as they are very emphatic and intuitive. Therefore, it is very likely for the people born in these zodiac signs to take gambling gradually, studying everything around them, whether it is an online casino, or they are in front of a casino dealer.
  • Scorpio karma & luck - read here You can manipulate anyone who comes within your orb, and you love it. You need approval and the emotional part of your nature is the most significant area of your life, even though you don't often verbalise it.

The year 2021, which just started, brings very good news for three zodiac signs.

By far, the favorites of the horoscope are those born under the Aries sign, when it comes to love.

Things also become interesting in the bedroom for Scorpio, who will enjoy some unique experiences.


In 2021, the entire Universe will align in your favor, and it will help you find someone who will fascinate you.

However, try not to put too much effort into impressing the wrong person because, this way, you might miss the right one.

Don't forget that the perfect partner for you will be someone who will share a great level of compatibility.

Scorpio Lucky Gambling Days

You will attract a lot of partners in the following period.
Aries people aware that nothing happens if you don't make it happen, and that's why they believe they make their own luck.

That being said, things tend to come easier for them, but this might have to do with the fact that they are always open to new opportunities.

They are always aware of their surroundings and they always meet new people. Aries has a lot of chances to find these opportunities.

One of the things Aries can't stand is when someone says: 'All good things come to those who wait'.

If you ask them, they will tell you that all good things come to those who go and get them. When you learn to do this, you will find luck everywhere you go.

Scorpio Gambling Luck

What do the stars have planned for you in 2021? Your 2021 Horoscope is here !

Lucky Zodiac Signs in Love in 2021

Scorpios born between October 24th and October 30th, the first phase of Scorpio are extra lucky during the days of the new Moon. Those born in the next phase, between October 31st and November 8th will be extra lucky when the Moon is in its second quarter.

  • So what if you have your vedic chart and you want to figure out whether gambling is a kinda bad idea for you, or a very, very bad idea? The all-important 5th house. Someone who will be lucky in gambling will absolutely need a strong 5th house. The 5th house stands for gambling, fun, romance, politics, speculation and easy gains.
  • Scorpios are so lucky, you have to wonder if they were born under a lucky star. They're so lucky, in fact, that they don't even have to make much of an effort. They're the type of person who find a.
  • The Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) interact very well, as they are very emphatic and intuitive. Therefore, it is very likely for the people born in these zodiac signs to take gambling gradually, studying everything around them, whether it is an online casino, or they are in front of a casino dealer.
  • Scorpio karma & luck - read here You can manipulate anyone who comes within your orb, and you love it. You need approval and the emotional part of your nature is the most significant area of your life, even though you don't often verbalise it.

The year 2021, which just started, brings very good news for three zodiac signs.

By far, the favorites of the horoscope are those born under the Aries sign, when it comes to love.

Things also become interesting in the bedroom for Scorpio, who will enjoy some unique experiences.


In 2021, the entire Universe will align in your favor, and it will help you find someone who will fascinate you.

However, try not to put too much effort into impressing the wrong person because, this way, you might miss the right one.

Don't forget that the perfect partner for you will be someone who will share a great level of compatibility.

Scorpio Lucky Gambling Days

You will attract a lot of partners in the following period.
Aries people aware that nothing happens if you don't make it happen, and that's why they believe they make their own luck.

That being said, things tend to come easier for them, but this might have to do with the fact that they are always open to new opportunities.

They are always aware of their surroundings and they always meet new people. Aries has a lot of chances to find these opportunities.

One of the things Aries can't stand is when someone says: 'All good things come to those who wait'.

If you ask them, they will tell you that all good things come to those who go and get them. When you learn to do this, you will find luck everywhere you go.

The lucky number of this zodiac sign is 1.


The beginning of this year will be only about love, but also about many beautiful moments.

You will have a rather tumultuous end of the year, full of contradictory feelings, and confusion.

However, you will desire, and you will be desired, which will bring you a lot of satisfaction.

You have a great power of attraction, which will get remarked by a lot of people.

So, don't be surprised if you are going to go out on dates more often, or if you will have a lot of partners.

Scorpio seems the kind of person who gets everything on a silver plate, but in reality, the person born in this zodiac sign worked very hard for everything he owns.

The natives might seem self-centred, but this is because they want to show others that positive thinking brings a lot of benefits.

Don't let their selfish attitude fool you.

Scorpio knows the difference between the work you need to do in order to make your own luck and, from time to time, relaxation.


The planet of love will move in your zodiac sign. This planet of love movement can radically change your life, and bring the love of your life.

You will spend the whole year in a romantic atmosphere with your better half.

You have faith in your strengths, and your charm and elegance will help you attract exactly the person you need right now.

Lucky Zodiac Signs in Terms of Money and Gambling in 2021

Many say that there are lucky zodiac signs, which, in reality, are more skilful in advantageous strategic thinking, and of course, in winning more money.

We believe that the 'gambling skill' can be cultivated, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to know in advance what the stars have in store for you in terms of gambling luck, at least declaratory.

The Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are characterized by a lot of passion and competitiveness, so the idea to gamble (and win) at casinos seems to be smiling upon them all the time.

It is true that too much 'fire' can lead to conflagration, but as long as they gamble with moderation and don't fall prey to the impulsivity that characterizes them, everything is going to be great.

The Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) interact very well, as they are very emphatic and intuitive.

Therefore, it is very likely for the people born in these zodiac signs to take gambling gradually, studying everything around them, whether it is an online casino, or they are in front of a casino dealer.

The Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) place a high value on imagine and atmosphere, so it is very likely to see them as the soul of the party, right in the middle of a casino. For them, it matters more to play than to win, although, not rarely, they have the long-awaited luck.

The Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are very pragmatic, but, on the other hand, they are perhaps the luckiest in terms of money.

This is quite a novel combination in the context of gambling, as they don't want to take too high risks, but, once they win the smallest amount of money, they will get the taste of casino gambling.

As you may remember my primary occupation at the moment is as an astrologer. But I'm not a 'normal' astrologer – I practice vedic astrology, or as it's actually called, Jyotish. This is a very old technique from India. I used to work with your bread-and-butter kind of western astrology previously when I stumbled over vedic astrology completely by accident and was immediately intrigued by the fact that in vedic astrology, most people have different ascendants, providing another opportunity for potentially improving my own pretty dismal astrological chart. So I checked it out, and I liked the fact that I had a Scorpio Sun in vedic astrology, but I had two planets in the 6th house (for those non-astrology-buffs out there: that's not good), so of course I decided it was total bullshit and western astrology was waay above that antiquated, tribal nonsense. Then I read a few more articles on vedic astrology and made a few calculations and it took me about a month until I was ready to admit: this shit works. And it works way better than the western kind I used to practice. And those two planets in the 6th are totally accurate.

So that's how I became a vedic astrologer, in a nutshell. And I still think Jyotish is totally nifty, because it gives you a lot of predictive options that don't exist in western astrology. Really, the biggest problem with Jyotish is that it is sometimes too accurate, so you learn of all sort of life events you would rather not have known about in advance! Anyway, there's one really cool trick you can do with jyotish, and that is assessing the gambling luck of a person. This is really good for me, because I've been doing a fair bit of gambling lately, which is not usually a habit of mine (believe it or not). But I would not recommend my method of gambling for lottery ticket money to just anyone. That's because yes, some people simply are luckier than others. (It's a karmic thing.) So what if you have your vedic chart and you want to figure out whether gambling is a kinda bad idea for you, or a very, very bad idea?

1. The all-important 5th house

Someone who will be lucky in gambling will absolutely need a strong 5th house. The 5th house stands for gambling, fun, romance, politics, speculation and easy gains. So this is non-negotiable. If you have a weak house, forget it. Don't gamble – you'll lose.

Signs of a strong 5th house:

– the ruler of the 5th house in the 5th house (e.g. if your 5th is in the sign of Scorpio, then Mars (who rules Scorpio – jyotish doesn't use the outer planets) would have to be in the 5th house.

– an exalted or mulatrikona planet in the 5th house (for example, Jupiter in Pisces would be exalted)

– the ruler of the 5th house in his own sign, exalted or mulatrikona (e.g. if the 5th house is in Virgo, then look at the ruler of Virgo, which is Mercury. If Mercury is in either the sign of Virgo or Gemini, he will be exalted or in his own sign, which makes Mercury strong, which makes the 5th house strong); However, weak planets in the 5th will alter this prognosis; if the ruler of the 5th is in a bad house, this will also alter the prognosis

– a strong 5th house ruler in houses 8, 9, 11 (8=sudden windfalls, 9=good luck, 11=gains)

– a ruler of a good house (8,9,11) in the 5th (e.g. if in your chart the 9th house is in Libra, then the ruler of the 9th is Venus; if Venus is not weak, and she enters the 5th house, that is good)

If you have these placements and no contradicting other placements, you can gamble with some success.


Signs of a weak 5th house:

– a weak planet in the 5th house (e.g. if the planet is in a sign of an enemy or in his fallen sign, for example Moon in Scorpio)

– the ruler of the 5th house in a weak sign (e.g. if the 5th is in Pisces, the ruler of the 5th will be Jupiter. If Jupiter is in, say, Virgo or Libra, he will be weak and make the 5th house weak in turn)

– the ruler of the 5th in a bad house, e.g. 4,6,12 (4=the 12th house from the 5th =dissolution of luck; 6 =poverty; 12=dissolution of winnings; if the 5th house is ruled by Taurus, and Venus is in one of these houses, that's not good)

– a ruler of a bad house in the 5th, e.g. 4,6,12 (if the 4th house is in Aries, and Mars is in the 5th… not good for gambling).

If you more than 1 of these placements, you should probably not gamble, because you are not karmically allowed to win money at gambling.


Scorpio Gambling Luck Book

Personally, I'm lucky – my 5th house is in Libra, and I have Venus in the 5th. That's a strong money planet in its own house of gambling. However, my Venus also rules the 12th house, bringing an energy of dissolution into the 5th. The thing is, my 12th house is in itself pretty materialistic – it has exalted Moon and a weakish Jupiter in Taurus, so that probably balanced things out a bit – the result is that winnings are possible, it's just that I'll probably just spend them! Which is pretty much what I'm doing, since I'm gambling to make money to spend on lottery tickets, LOL. So that's vedic astrology for ya!

Good Luck Days For Scorpio

If you want to figure out whether you have a weak or strong 5th, I recommend downloading the free astrology software Jagannatha Hora, which you can find by googling, and simply entering your birth data. It is a little confusing at first since there are no house numbers, zodiac signs or aspects in the chart graphic, but you can check the handy table on the right for your placements until you figure the graph out (which is pretty easy, really). Soo… have fun gambling (or not)!

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